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Tree Commission Minutes 11/19/2015

Minutes of a meeting of
The Old Lyme Tree Commission
November 19, 2015

Members present: Joanne DiCamillo (regular), Anne Bing (regular), Joan Flynn (alternate)
Members absent: Gerry Foster (regular), Emily Griswold (regular)
Ex-officio members absent: Tom Degnan, Tree Warden

Mrs. DiCamillo authorized Joan Flynn to vote in place of Emily Griswold.
A quorum being present, Chairman Joanne DiCamillo called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.
The commission has openings for two members.

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the 10/15/2015 meeting were reviewed.
Motion: Joan Flynn made a motion, seconded by Anne Bing to approve the minutes as presented. All present voted in favor, motion passed.

Balance & summary of expenditures YTD: Mrs. DiCamillo reported that as of 11/16/2015 the balance in the Tree Commission budget was $13,890. Wilcox Tree Experts was paid $1,900 for tree trimming. The total Tree Commission budget for FY2015-2016 is $16,050.

2016-2017 Tree Commission budget proposal: The budget request for 2016-2017 will remain the same as   FY2015-2016 budget – a total of $16,050.

11-07-15 Special Meeting: the meeting, which took place at Hains Park, was discussed briefly.

BHPIC – communication regarding removal of maple trees with new site plan: Tom Degnan spoke with Don Bugbee, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Paul Gianquinto, Co-chairman of the BHPIC, and told them that the Tree Commission would like the maple trees to remain. They are healthy trees and provide much needed shade for the park. Mr. Degnan always considers what is best for the town when he makes a decision. He suggested meeting at the park with the committee to try to find a solution. The BHPIC decided to move the basketball court and developed a new site plan where it is in a different location. The trees will not be removed.

Young trees – weed, edge, mulch: The work has been completed by Hortus Landscape.

Town Hall - new tree planting: The members discussed planting a maple tree in front of Town Hall. The landscaper cannot plant until Dec. 3. The members agreed it is too late in the season to plant a tree, the roots will not have enough time to settle in before the ground freezes.
Motion: Anne Bing made a motion, seconded by Joan Flynn, to wait until spring to plant the tree. All present voted in favor, motion passed.

Town Woods Park tree planting: Trees will not be planted until spring.

DRGC oak tree: Emily Griswold recommended planting a scarlet oak (quercus coccinea). Mrs. DiCamillo checked with Millane Nursery but the availability as of October 1 was limited.


Deputy Tree Warden – update on position: Mrs. DiCamillo asked Tom Degnan to prepare a list of specific responsibilities for the deputy. She will review them with Bonnie Reemsnyder. The start date will be January 1, 2016.
Police Station – shrub trimming: Mrs. DiCamillo showed before and after photos of the shrubs. Public Works removed several Pieris japonica and all of the grasses. The roses were pruned by the garden club members. The rhododendrons should be pruned and a seedling tree near the chamaecyparis should be removed. The chamaecyparis is growing too large for its space and should also be pruned. There are two healthy Alberta spruce next to the sidewalk.

The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, December 17, 2015, 4:00 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room.

Motion: Joan Flynn made a motion, seconded by Anne Bing, to adjourn the meeting at 4:58 p.m. All present voted in favor. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Hansen, Clerk